This website features my work and research on architecture, urbanism, phtoography and structural design. If you would like to reach me for collaborations or lectures my email is:

NINA RAPPAPORT is an architectural critic, urbanist, curator, and educator. She is publications director at Yale School of Architecture and editor of the biannual publication Constructs (numbering 40), the exhibition catalogs (numbering 75), as well as the school’s book series (30 to date). 

 She is the director of the project/think tank the Vertical Urban Factory, which includes an exhibition with graphic design by Sarah Gephart of MGMT Design and the exhibit design by Studio Tractor. The show was displayed in Europe in Rotterdam, Brussels, Torino, Lugano, EPFL's Archizoom in Lausanne.The original show opened in New York at the Skyscraper Museum in January 2011 and traveled to Detroit's MOCAD and Toronto's Design Exchange and Urban Space in 2012 and spring 2013, London's Museum of Architecture, in summer 2014. Rappaport curated a separate exhibit on East Asian factories for NYU's East Asian Studies Department in Spring 2012. 

Her book, Vertical Urban Factory, investigating the modernist and contemporary factory in terms of the technology, factory in the city, and the architectural issues as they impact workers was published with Actar, in November 2015 and is designed by MGMT Design.She received a research grant from New York State Council on the Arts for the project along with numerous contributions. VUF is a project of the New York Foundation for the Arts. 

Her two other books on urban manufacturing include Hybrid Factory/Hybrid City and Design for Urban Manufacturing with Rob Lane. See: 
This website focuses primarily on her work not related to urban manufacturing.

Her previous books include Ezra Stoller: Photographer with co-editor Erica Stoller (Yale University Press, 2012) and Support and Resist: Structural Engineers and Design Innovation (The Monacelli Press, 2007). She has contributed essays to Architecture, Architectural Record, 306090, Praxis, Perspecta, Scapes, Metropolis, Future Anterior, and Tec21 among other journals and publications. 

She is a lecturer at Kean University's School of Public Architecture in New Jersey. She has taught seminars and studios on urban theory and industrial urbanism in the Syracuse in NYC architecture program, Barnard College, Parsons School of Design and Yale School of Architecture. She was a Design Trust for Public Space Fellow and co-author of the book, Long Island City: Connecting the Arts (Episode Books, 2006). She is a founder of Docomomo-New York/Tri-State and currently a Vice President. www.docomomo-nytri.orgHer seminars and studios have included Alternative Urbanisms, Industrial Urbanisms, The Post Industrial Factory, Eco-Urbanism, and Vertical Urban Factory.Send an email to nina@ninarappaport.comWebsite design by O-R-G